Igor 47

Igor. A soldier of the OUN – (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists)

Before the war I was a mechanic engineer. I had my own company and worked with repairing busses. After Maidan I quit my company and started working with humanitarian help. When I later saw that eighteen- and nineteen-year-old boys were dying at the frontline I packed my bag and went to war.

In the military I started out being a scout, but now I’m first mechanic. Because we do everything ourselves, it’s really good to be a mechanic so I can fix cars and other equipment that we have. Everything we use here like ammunition, night vision, transports etc. we got from regular people and the volunteers. I´ve been here for 18 months now and giving 110%, everybody here is doing that.

An aggressor has come to our country; it destroys all dignity we have. It kills our children, women and the people, it tells us how to live. I want my kids to grow up in a country with its own culture, named Ukraine.

Both my grandparents fought in the war against Germany. And if someone ask, why did they fought? – They fought because Germany invaded Ukraine. Now the Russians have come to Ukraine and I fight against them, like my grandparents fought Germany.

Our enemy is like a horde of grasshoppers, they go to a field and it gets destroyed, and then they move to the next field and so on. Never trust them – they say one thing, do another and think a third thought. They don’t keep their promise or stand by their word – everything they touch dies.

I wish you who read this will never experience a situation like this. I wish you all luck, good health and that you develop in a positive way. That there is peace and a clear sky with no explosions.


Interview: 2016

hampus Written by:

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